Ā My Break Thru Hypnosis Session will lookĀ at all aspects of your life using the Wheel of Life, Lissa Rankin's Whole Health Cairn Model, and Hypnosis to help you get clarity with the areas that could use more alignment. If after this session, you would like to continue, Binu offers 3, 6 and 10 month packages to continue on the journey.
Sometimes certain areas of life are keeping us stuck
because of some unconscious or subconscious beliefs and thoughts.
This session will help release those blocks to allow you to opt out of overwhelm, and reduce tension, stress and anxiety in daily life. In turn, all your relationships will start to improve.
BinuĀ helps you tap into your own intuitive voice inĀ this special session
to help you move forward with new ideas and help you validate what is most meaningful for you.
Binu uses law of attraction and spiritual concepts in this session to help you understand yourself better and help you move forward with clarity and peacefulness so that your intuitive voice can speak up.
What you will experience in
this session:
ReleaseĀ past programming and lock in new enlightened beliefs and desires through our hypnosis meditation.
Ā Life analysis and a deep dive to discover the parts of your life and past that are keeping you stuck and help you expand your mind, raise your vibration and open your heart to your desires all with the purpose of leading you to deeper happiness.
Guidance through your wheel of life and the whole health cairn models
Get insights for improving all your relationships and tap into your own inner truth and intuition so you can trust yourself more
LearnĀ deeper concepts and law of attraction techniques to help you improve all aspects of your practical life to make everyday living more peaceful and in alignment with your heart and soul.