Register for the FREE "Angel Presence Stories" Masterclass now
The "Angel Presence Stories" FREE Masterclass
Thank you for registering for my masterclass
"Angel Presence Stories"
Come hear about the guy I sat beside on the airplane a few weeks ago with the most amazing angel presence story! This has happened a few times now and I simply wish to share to help you all realize how accessible angels are to us all. I have some ways and methods to connect with the angel realm so that we all have the extra help we sometimes need. I'd love to share those with you.
I will also touch on ideas how our lost loved ones, our personal angels, can send us signs to let us know they are close by❤️. Come to listen in, to share, to learn, to chat with likeminded people all interested in discussing Angels. I'll complete the class with a special calming meditation.
The zoom link will be sent via email once you have registered.
See you Monday Feb 27th at 7pm.
You will get more reminders via email closer to the date.
~ Binu ❤️